sexta-feira, 23 de janeiro de 2015

Sterling B2B Integrator Enveloping an EDI message Part 3 - Use a Business Process for immediate enveloping

In this step we will be implementing a BP that receives a valid EDIFACT message body and outputs the enveloped document in the Document Area after the EDIFACT Envelope step.

We are using this message as the input:


This is a typical CONTRL message without the enveloping fields.

This is the BPEL for the BP.

And the in GPM representation bellow, note that the EDI Encoder takes the Accepter Lookup Alias, and has the mode set gas Immediate.

In the first assigns we add some elements to override envelope settings with Sender and Recipient IDs, and the interchange number, check the BPEL.

Note that both the Correlation Service and the EDI Encoder are required steps for the enveloping process.

The resulting document can be handled in services after the EDIFACT Envelope, with services like File System Adapter or whatever it is required, you can also specify a BP to be trigger once the document is enveloped.

The BP output can be seen in the next screen with the enveloped message in document area, note the interchange number as it was specified in the BPEL and overridden at the envelope level.

Sterling B2B Integrator Enveloping an EDI message Part 2 - Creating the UNH envelope

In this enveloping procedure the intermediary group (UNG) envelope will not be implement as it is not required per EDIFACT standard not it would bring any additional value to the tutorial.

We will proceed with the creation of the UNH envelope, and you can see how it is correlated with the UNB level and how the envelope chain is implemented. As in the UNB level this envelope will be implemented with a wildcard * for the sender and recipient fields, making this a generic use envelope.

The message type is again CONTRL for it's simplicity although in this case the message type doesn't make that much difference the procedure will always be the same.

1. Navigate Trading Partner > Document Envelopes > Envelopes and select New Envelope Go. Select the EDIFACT Standard.

2. Select the Outbound UNH level.

3. Give it a meaningful name GENERIC_UNH_UNT_ENVELOPE_OUTBOUND

 4. As said we are leaving the Sender ID and the Recipient ID with the wildcard *.  The envelope chain is set in the Next Envelope setting, which uses the UNB envelope build in the first part of the tutorial. One could start implementing the envelopes starting in the UNH level and selecting Create Next Envelope, this is just a way of doing it won't make any practical difference in terms of implementation.

This are the required parameters to build the envelope message.
Message Type: CONTRL
Message Version Number: 2
Message Release Number: 1
Controlling Agency, Coded: UN

There is an extra setting using in the Business Process to specify that this is the envelope that we want to use, this allows to create identical envelopes for different situations if you need so. It is used in EDI Encoder service at BP level.
Accepter Lookup Alias: CONTRL_2_1_UN

Some other field to consider. 
Limit Interchange Size -> can leave it with default settings or adjust to requirements, it's the max allowed size for interchange messages.
Use Correlation Overrides -> we want it to be Always and will be taking advantage of it on the next tutorial step in the Correlation Service.

5. Set how to generate the Reference Number.

6.  One can map and carry with both translation, validation and enveloping in the same step but this will be  out of this tutorial scope, nevertheless you can specify NONE as the map to use in the next step.

7. Select the details for message enrichment, as said in point 6. If map is NONE the values of Validate translation input and output will be ignored.

 8. Finally specify the security settings, which will be leave as none in this tutorial.

9. Confirm, Finish and proceed to step 3 of the tutorial where we are going to see how to use the enveloping in the BPs.

quinta-feira, 22 de janeiro de 2015

webMethods and other servers Java Memory Settings

The purpose of this entry is to identify the meaning of the java memory settings for the IS services/processes.

Java heap refers to the volatile part of the memory, in the context of the wM IS documents instances or service execution and other IS objects will use this part of the memory. By definition
The Java heap is where the objects of a Java program live. It is a repository for live objects, dead objects, and free memory. When an object can no longer be reached from any pointer in the running program, it is considered "garbage" and ready for collection.
and IS is very large Java program dedicated to real time message processing which means it has a very dynamic a continuously reshaping memory structure.

Has specified in the documentation Java Heap can be set in the setenv.bat/sh and there are two parameters:

JAVA_MIN_MEM  -> Defaults to 256MB

JAVA_MAX_MEM  -> Defaults to 1024MB 

The JAVA_MIN_MEM is the memory that IS is starts with, and that will be the reference to calculate the heap space available at each GC (GC) iteration.

The JAVA_MAX_MEM refers to max memory the IS will use before triggering the garbage collector.

  • Why not to keep this values the same?
If this values are the same then the JVM will have a constant value for the heap memory, the disadvantage of this is that the GC takes more time to collect the death objects the bigger the heap is, in the limit IS might become irresponsive.

Lower heap might conduct to shorter GC while big heaps can lead to longer GC but less frequent.

Why not to keep JAVA_MIN_MEM to zero?

Because it takes resources to increase the heap size, the configuration as suggested is to use the lowest required memory at any time by the IS for the JAVA_MIN_MEM, and the biggest to the JAVA_MAX_MEN.

There is another memory component, the perm or permanent space, this is were the .class files are stored, it is the object factory that allows the generation of the instances used during runtime. 

By analogy you can compare heap space to the RAM in you're computer and the perm space to the hard drive. In wM terms I would say heap space is for run time memory requirements while perm space is related to services/documents/processes design.

The total amount of memory used in the OS will be the sum of 3 components, java heap + java perm + other (which is the smaller portion and is mostly related to JVM internal requirements to keep the java engine running).

  • Finally, why do we get the following errors?

  1. Out of memory error:java perm space
  2. Out of memory error:java heap space

1 Is quite easy to assert and you might see it happen on the wM IS env if you keep the default settings, as one build more packages and services, the available perm memory will be less and less at each new development until at last the space available to allocate new classes is not enough and we get the error number 1.

2 Is a bit more complex, the error is thrown when the garbage collector is unable to free up enough space to allow allocation to the requested object.

So basically when a new object is to be created and there is not enough space in the heap, the jvm will invoke the garbage collector. If after the gc completion, there is still not enough space freed up, then the jvm throws an OutOfMemoryError: java heap.

In highly inaccurate but comprehensive description if you have capacity to run 1000 IS services instances, when the heap reaches the 1000 services the GC will be started, if only 100 services instances are cleared and there are 200 in the queue voilá you have a java singularity :p and the error number 2 is triggered.

That's all good luck with you're machines tuning and will appreciate comments ;)

Some references:
Official wM documentation of course ;)