quinta-feira, 3 de abril de 2014

Sterling B2B Integrator DeEnvelope an EDIFAC document part 1 UNB level and Control Number

This is the first part of a set of three entries that hopefully will allow reader to get a better understanding on how the EDI DeEnvelope is processed in Sterling B2B Integrator, I will try to keep simple flow and use a basic EDI message the EDIFACT CONTRL. Note that the process of DeEnveloping a message in other standards is analogous, with the information present one should be able to adapt to apply this to other message types. 

Navigate to Trading Partner > Document Envelopes > Envelopes

Start by selecting the envelope type in this case EDIFACT, to follow tutorial purposes.

This is an inbound envelope, remember we are receiving an envelope from a virtual partner.
There is no base envelope this is build from scratch!
It will be called Generic as it as the Sender and Receiver are being identified with start marks, or otherwise this applies to any Sender/Receiver pair.
As told before lets keep it simple and this will have no filters, this is an UNB DeEnvelope setting therefore it will apply to any EDIFACT we are receiving in Sterling.
We are just leaving the default setting to don't escape further from the scope of the tutorial. Note that we can specify a BP to handle an exceptional noncompliance situation, but that is only relative to bad formation of UNB headers.

The referred Exception BP will be called if the handling of non-compliante messages is set to reject. Here you can set to create an CNTRL message to be delivered to partner on response. 
Specify an Interchange Control Reference (see at bottom how to  create one)
Here you can specify level of detail to be included in CNTRL message.
Review all the settings and confirm.

Generate the Control Number

To generate the control number navigate to Trading Partner > Document Envelopes > Control Numbers > New Control Number
After hitting Go fill the form as bellow, you can specify any Sender/Receiver pair Sterling. So how is this used? Well if you want to count for every DeEnvelope for a SenderReceiver pair and use that counter in the Enveloping service that's the way to go. You specify again this value in the Outbound Envelope and that will be number used on the outbound UNB. 
Now the easy part confirm...
and check out!
And this the End of Part 1 next lets see the UNH level.

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